D&L Services Quality Assurance (QA) Program


D&L Services has instituted a QA program featuring a combination of traditional management, monitoring, and inspection techniques complemented by ISO 9000 and Lean/Six Sigma philosophies for process improvements. Together, these will ensure the customer realizes a total quality effort from Day One. Working closely to achieve high quality technical services will be our QA Manager and Seaport E Program Manager. Together they make certain our employees apply policies that standardize work practices and processes; perform in-work and final product reviews to make certain our services and deliverables conform to contract and customer requirements; and conduct periodic audits and internal management reviews to identify repetitive problems and opportunities for process improvement. Also, they will take advantage of our a personnel appraisal system to correct performance problems, as well as to acknowledge exceptional work, and will use continuing education to maintain skills and increase QA awareness. 

At the task order level, a comprehensive QA Plan developed and administered by our experienced QA Manager, SeaPort Program Manager, and Task Order Managers will be prepared providing the specifics on how quality will be built into our services. Our managers and Task Order staff will follow the policies and procedures within our QA Plan to ensure standardization across all tasks, schedule audits on work in progress, and identify opportunities for process improvements. QA oversight of these factors is realized by monitoring quantitative and qualitative Measures of Effectiveness, as derived from a combination of sources including Task Order Management Plan, SeaPort and Task Order contracts, and funding documents. Collectively, these activities guarantee excellence and consistency at every level.